Java Language Help

Java Syntax Examples
  1. Function Calls
  3. Variables
  4. Expressions
  5. Function Return Values
  6. If-else
  7. Object Data Fields
  8. Object Method Calls
  9. Function Definitions
  10. Function Parameters
  11. Loops
  12. Arrays
Java Language Elements
Differences between Code12 and Java
Code12 Version 2.0

Function Calls

A function call is a named command for your program to execute, followed by a list of input values for the command to use.


ct.println( "Hello World!" ); 50, 30, 20 ); 50, 70, 20, "green" );
ct.setBackColor( "dark gray" );
ct.text( "Game Over", 50, 50, 10 );
ct.rect( 45, 45, 20, 20, "pink" ); 55, 55, 20, "light blue" );


A function call is the most common programming construct. It is essentially a command for the program to do something. The command has a name (for example followed by a list of input values in parentheses, and at the very end is a semicolon. The input values provide additional details that the command needs to do its work. For example, in the call: 50, 30, 20 );

you need to give a list of 3 numbers to the command. For, these are the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and diameter of the circle.

If you make a sequence of function calls, they are executed one at a time in the order they are listed in your program.

Java Terminology

Java programmers will often refer to function calls as “method calls”.

The input values to a function call are called “parameters” or “arguments”.


Each command (function) requires different input values (parameters). To determine what parameters a function needs, you can look it up in the reference documentation. For the Code12 system, this is the Code12 Function Reference. You must list the parameters in the order they are expected by the function.

Parameters can have different types (e.g. number vs. text), and each parameter you supply must be the correct type or you will get an error. See Java Data Types for examples.

Text values are called “strings” (type String) and are enclosed in "double quotes" when you are specifying the text directly.

There are two types of numbers: int and double, depending on whether the number is allowed to have decimal places or not. You are allowed to use an int where a double is required and it will convert automatically, but you cannot use a double where an int is required, because precision would be lost.

Optional Parameters

Some functions have parameters that are optional, meaning you can choose to specify them or not. For example, the function has an optional 4th parameter, which is a color name for the circle, as in: 50, 70, 20, "green" );

If you do not specify an optional parameter, the function will use a default value. In the case of, if you don’t specify the color, it defaults to the color "red".

Functions Supported

What functions you have to choose from in your program depends on what “libraries” your system provides or that you have installed. Code12 has its own library of functions build-in, and most of these functions start with the prefix ct. (for “Code Twelve”). For a complete list, see the Code12 Function Reference.

The Java programming language is often used with a large library called the “Java Class Library”, but Code12 only supports a handful of functions from this library when programs are run within the Code12 application.

Java Language Help > Function Calls


Comments are a way for programmers to leave notes to themselves or other programmers in the code. They are ignored when the program executes.


// This is a comment
// Draw a circle in the center of the screen 50, 50, 20 );
// Draw 3 circles 30, 50, 10 );    // left side 50, 50, 10 );    // center 70, 50, 10 );    // right side
// The statement below has been "commented out" (disabled)
// 50, 50, 10);
   This is a block comment.
   It can go on for several lines.
   If the block comment contains any Java code,
   the code will all be ignored.

   ct.rect( 50, 50, 70, 70 ); 50, 50, 20 );

   The above code is ignored.


Comments help make your program more readable (to humans) by explaining what is going on and giving other information that might be useful to you or another programmer reading your code. Comments are ignored by Java when your program is being executed.

Besides leaving helpful notes, another use of comments is to temporarily disable some code without deleting it (because you might want to add it back later, for example).

There are two different ways to make a comment in Java. The most common way is use to //, which causes all text after it until the end of the line to be treated as a comment.

If you want to make a long comment that spans several lines, you can also use a block comment, which begins with /* and ends with */ at any point in your code after the start of the comment.

Java Language Help > Comments


A variable is a name for a location in memory that can store a value (such as a number). The value of the variable can be changed during a program, but only the most recent value is remembered. Using a variable name in a program causes the value to be substituted.


int x = 30; x, 50, 20 );
int xPosition = 30;
double yPosition = 25.5;
int size = 10;
String color = "yellow"; xPosition, yPosition, size, color );

xPosition = 70;

ct.rect( xPosition, yPosition, size, size, color );


Variables can have different types, corresponding to the type of value that they can store. Code12 supports 5 different types of variables: int, double, boolean, String, and GameObj (see Java Data Types).

The first time a new variable is introduced in your program, you must “declare” the variable by specifying its type. The type is followed by the name of the variable, which you can choose, then a equals sign (“=”) and the starting value for the variable. For example:

int xPosition = 30;

Finally, like most Java statements, the entire statement must be followed by a semicolon.

Variable names

You can choose the names for your variables, and unlike in mathematics, they can be multiple characters (e.g. a word). Variable names must start with a letter, and by convention in Java, it should be a lowercase letter (a-z). After the first letter, you can use any sequence of letters, digits (0-9), and the underscore (“_”) character. Examples:

int x = 30;
int x2 = 70;
int count = 1;
double middle = 2.5;
boolean done = false;
String name = "Fred";
String gR8_name_dude = "Bill";

Variable names cannot contain spaces, but using a convention called “camel case”, you can create a readable multi-word name without underscores by capitalizing the first letter of each word except the first, for example:

int enemyCount = 50;
double averageScore = 85.72;
boolean bonusMode = true;
String playerName = "Sue";
int youCanGetReallyLongButEventuallyItGetsAnnoyingToType = 100;

Some names are not allowed as variables because they mean something special in the Java language, for example double, public, class, if, for, and do. If you try to use an invalid variable name, you will get a syntax error.

Variable Declaration, Initialization, and Assignment

In the example:

int xPosition = 30;

the variable xPosition is being declared (introduced as a new variable with the specified type) and also initialized (being given its starting value).

If you want to change the value of a variable later, you can use an assignment statement, for example:

xPosition = 70;

This changes the value of xPosition to 70 and the previous value of 30 is overwritten and lost. Note that you do not specify the type of the variable when it is being assigned, only when it is declared.

It is also possible to declare a variable without initializing it, such as:

int xPosition;

However, you will need to assign a value to it before using it for the first time anywhere else in your program, for example:

int xPosition;
xPosition = 30; xPosition, 50, 20 );

If you are only declaring variables and not initializing them, it is also possible to declare more than one at a time, as long as they have the same type, for example:

int xPosition, yPosition;
String playerOneName, playerTwoName;
Class-Level Variables vs. Local Variables

Code in Java programs is grouped into blocks that are surrounded by curly brackets { and }. A variable is only defined inside the block that you declare it in, starting just after the declaration and ending at the end of the block. For example:

class MyProgram
    public void start()
        int yPosition = 50; 30, yPosition, 20 ); 70, yPosition, 20 );

    public void update()
        // yPosition cannot be used here

Here the variable yPosition is declared in the start block, so it can be used there in the two function calls after the declaration. However, it cannot be used in the update block.

If you want to use a variable in any block in your program, you can declare it in the class block but before the start block. For example:

class MyProgram
    int size = 20;

    public void start()
        int yPosition = 50; 30, yPosition, size ); 70, yPosition, size );

    public void update()
        // size can be used here, but not yPosition

This works because variables are defined in the block they are defined in as well as any nested blocks inside it.

A variable that is defined at the start of the class block is called a class-level variable and can be used anywhere in your program. A variable declared in any block other than the class block (such as yPosition above) is called a local variable because it can only be used locally in the block with the declaration.

Note that the memory storage location for a class-level variable in Code12 lasts for the entire run of your program and is therefore “permanent”, whereas the memory for a local variable is disposed of as soon as the block it is declared in ends. Local variables are therefore also “temporary” variables in practice.

Only class-level (permanent) variables are displayed in the variable watch window in the Code12 application, because all local variables come and go very quickly in practice.

Constant (final) Variables

If the keyword final is used before a variable declaration, then the variable becomes a “constant”, meaning the value cannot change. The variable must be initialized at the point of declaration and cannot be reassigned later.

A common convention for constant variable names is to use all capital letters with underscores between words. For example:

class MyProgram
    final double DOT_SIZE = 20;

    public void start()
    {       30, 50, DOT_SIZE ); 70, 50, DOT_SIZE );
Java Language Help > Variables


An expression is a combination of numbers (or values of other types), variables, and operators such as +, -, *, and /, which causes the computer to do the calculations and get a resulting value.


int xCenter = 50;
int x = xCenter + 10;    // assigns resulting value 60 to x
ct.log( x );
double a = 3;
double b = 2;
double sum = a + b;           // sets sum to 5
double difference = a - b;    // sets diff to 1
double product = a * b;       // sets product to 6
double quotient = a / b;      // sets quotient to 1.5
ct.log( sum, difference, product, quotient );
int hits = 5;
int misses = 9;
int bonus = 200;
double score = (hits * 50 - misses) / ((hits + misses) * 0.1) + bonus;
ct.log( score );


In most places where a numeric value is expected in a Java program, such as where the number 9 appears in these examples:

int variable = 9;
variable = 9; 9, 9, 9 );

instead of using a simple number or variable, you can also use an expression, which is a combination of numbers and variables combined with basic math operations such as + and -. For example,

int xCenter = 50;
int yCenter = 50;
int yLevel = yCenter - 20; xCenter + 10, yLevel, 15 );

Here the value used to initialize yLevel is the expression yCenter - 20, which will be calculated as 30, and first parameter for the function call is the expression xCenter + 10, which results in the value 60.

When you use expressions for parameters to a function call, the variables and expressions are all evaluated and calculated “on the spot” before the function is called, using the current values of any variables. Then the resulting values are sent to the function, so when the function above is called, the call above ends up being equivalent to: 60, 30, 15 );
Numeric Operators

The numeric operators suppported are:

Expression      Calculation
----------      -----------
a + b           Addition
a - b           Subtraction
-a              Negate (change sign)
a * b           Multiplication
a / b           Division
a % b           Mod (remainder)

The expression a % b operator calculates the remainder of (a / b) after the integer part of the quotient is subtracted. For example, 7 % 3 is 1, because (7 / 3) is 2 remainder 1.

Order of Operations and Parentheses

In an expression with multiple operators, such as:

int result = 3 + 2 * 5;     // result gets 13

The calculations are done in the same order as the rules of algebra, which is not always left-to-right. Here, 2 * 5 will be calculated first (because multiplication has “higher precedence” over addition), then the 3 is added, so the result is 13, not 25.

If you want to override the normal order of operations, you can use parentheses in your expression, such as:

int newResult = (3 + 2) * 5;    // result gets 25

It is easy to make a mistake with assumptions about the order of operations. Good programmers are generous with their use of parentheses to reduce mistakes and to make their code easier to understand.

Changing a Variable Value

In the following code:

int score = 500;
int bonus = 100;
int total = score + bonus;

The total is introduced as a new variable that will be assigned the value 600. Instead of introducing a new variable, it is also possible to change the value of the existing score variable:

int score = 500;
int bonus = 100;
score = score + bonus;

Here score is initialized to 500, but then it is assigned a new value using the expression score + bonus, which is calculated as 600, so score then gets assigned the new value of 600 (overwriting the previous value of 500).

If you try to look at the statement score = score + bonus; like an equation in algebra, it doesn’t make much sense (bonus must be 0? But we said it was 100…). However, this makes perfect sense in Java (and other computer languages). It is important to understand that assignment statements are not equations. They are instructions to calculate and store a new value for a variable. Here score = score + bonus; increases the value of the score by the bonus. This kind of code is very common in programming.

Assignment Shortcuts

Statements like score = score + bonus; above are common enough that Java has a shortcut for it:

score += bonus;       // score = score + bonus;

Further, increasing a variable by 1 is even more common (when counting things, for example), so Java has an even shorter shortcut for that:

score++;             // score = score + 1

Here are examples of the Java assignment shortcut statements supported by Code12:

Shortcut      Equivalent
--------      ----------
a += b;       a = a + b;
a -= b;       a = a - b;
a *= b;       a = a * b;
a /= b;       a = a / b;
a++;          a = a + 1;
a--;          a = a - 1;
int vs. double and Integer Division

The numeric operators (+, -, *, /, and %) can be used on values of either type int or double, and the result will be type int if both sides are int, or double if either side is a double. This produces the results you would probably expect, except in the case of using / to divide two int values. What if the result is not an integer?

int i = 3 / 2;       // What do you think this does?  
double d = 3 / 2;    // How about this?

You might think that since 3/2 = 1.5, storing the result in an integer (i) will force the computer to round the result to 2, whereas storing the result in a double (d) will store 1.5. Unfortunately, neither of these is what Java will do…

Java treats / operating on two int values as “integer division”, which is defined as discarding any fractional part of the result and “truncating” the result to an integer (always rounding towards zero), so here 3 / 2 is 1. This happens even if the result is being stored in a double. So, the results for both i and d above would be 1.

Normally Java would just produce the result of 1 for both i and d above without warning. Because this situation is a common source of errors (especially for beginning programmers), Code12 considers the above statements to be errors, and you must code them differently. There are three choices to rewrite it:

// Make sure at least one side is a double
double d = 3.0 / 2;       // 1.5
// Use a "type cast" to convert one side to double
int left = 3;
int right = 2;
double d = (double) left / right;     // 1.5
// Use ct.intDiv() if you really want integer division
int i = ct.intDiv( 3, 2 );         // 1
Using + for String Concatenation

In addition to using the + operator to add two numeric values, you can also use it to combine two String (text) values. The result is a new longer string with the second string appended to the end of the first string. This is called “concatenation”. For example:

String firstName = "John";
String lastName = "Smith";
String fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;   // "John Smith"
ct.log( firstName, lastName, fullName );

Java also allows you to concatenate numbers with strings, in which case the number is automatically converted to text (a string) and then the text is concatenated. For example:

String name = "Sue";
int score = 500;
String message = "Player " + name + " has score " + score;
ct.log( message );     // "Player Sue has score 500"

Note the use of spaces in the examples above. String concatenation does not add them automatically, so "John" + "Smith" would be "JohnSmith".

Operands with boolean Results

There are several other operands that produce boolean values. These are mostly used in conjunction with if-else statements (syntax level 8), so they are explained in that section.

Java Language Help > Expressions

Function Return Values

Functions that are defined to have a Return Value will produce a “result” value, which can then be used by the calling code. The call to the function acts like a value that can be used anywhere a value or an expression is expected.


// Roll a 6-sided die 
int roll = ct.random( 1, 6 );
ct.log( roll );
// Ask the user to enter their name
String name = ct.inputString( "Enter your name" );
ct.log( name );
// Round a number to two decimal places
double amount = 24.947823;
double result = ct.roundDecimal( amount, 2 );
ct.log( amount, result );
// Make a circle at a random location ct.random( 0, 100 ), ct.random( 0, 100 ), 10 );
// Compute sin(a) + cos(a)
double a = 1.2;
ct.log( Math.sin( a ) + Math.cos( a ) );


Some functions that you can call with a function call are designed to calculate or produce a resulting value that they can give (“return”) to the calling code. Not all functions return a value. You can look up the description of a function in the Code12 Function Reference to see if it has a Return Value.

For example, the function ct.random() calculates a random integer within the range of the two numbers given in its parameters. For example:

int roll = ct.random( 1, 6 );

This code calls the ct.random() function and then captures and stores the return value in the variable roll. The code ct.random( 1, 6 ) then acts like the resulting value to the rest of the code. Note that the rest of the code takes the same form as:

int roll = 3;

so here the value being assigned to the variable (3) can be replaced with the function call ct.random( 1, 6 ), which calculates a value to use.

Function Calls in Expressions

You can also use function calls in an expression, anywhere a value of the function’s return value type can be used. For example:

// Roll two dice and get the total
int totalRoll = ct.random( 1, 6 ) + ct.random( 1, 6 );

Here the ct.random() function is called twice (calculating a potentially different result each time), and the values are “returned” to the calling code, which otherwise takes the same form as:

// Pretend to roll two dice and get the total
int totalRoll = 3 + 5;

Note carefully the placement of the semicolons in the above examples. A function call itself does not have a semicolon after it, but the entire statement it is used in (e.g. a variable initialization or assignment) might need one at the very end.

Function Calls in Parameters

Since a function call can be used anywhere a value of the resulting type can be used, you can also use them as parameters to other function calls. For example:

// Draw a circle at a random location on the screen ct.random( 0, 100 ), ct.random( 0, 100 ), 20 );

In this case, we have function calls “within” a function call, and the parentheses end up being nested. At first this may appear confusing, but just remember that you can think of a function call as being replaced by its return value, and also that logically the whole statement will be executed from the inside out (like a complex Math expression with parentheses would be). So the two ct.random() function calls will happen first, then the outer call to will happen, taking the same form as, for example: 67, 32, 20 );
Java Math Functions

In addition to the functions that Code12 provides (which start with ct.), Java provides several functions to do standard Math calculations that start with Math. (note that the “M” is capitalized). See Java Math Functions. For example:

// Try the Pythagorean Theorem
double a = 3;
double b = 4;
double c = Math.sqrt( Math.pow( a, 2 ) + Math.pow( b, 2 ) );
ct.log( a, b, c );
Java Language Help > Function Return Values


The if-else structure allows you to specify that another statement (such as a function call or variable assignment), or a group of statements, should only happen if some condition is true. You can also specify what should happen if the condition is false.


int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age > 17)
    ct.println( "You are an adult." );
    ct.println( "You are a child." );   

The code above asks the user to input an age and then prints one of two messages depending on the value of age. Only one of the two messages will be printed.

You can also leave off the else part if you want. For example:

int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age < 0)
    ct.println( "That is not a valid age." );

Statements that are controlled by an if-else, in either the if section or the else section (if included), should be indented to indicate that they only happen if the controlling test above them passes.

If more than one statement is controlled in either the if or else sections, then the controlled statements must be enclosed in curly brackets { and } as follows:

int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age > 15)
    ct.println( "You can apply for a driver's license." );
    ct.println( "If you already have one, you can drive." );
    ct.println( "You are too young to drive by yourself." );
    ct.println( "Get a ride or take your bike." );
ct.println( "Be careful!" );    // this always prints

Note that the last ct.println() in the example above is past the if-else structure, so it executes afterwards no matter what.

Although Java is fairly flexible about how if-else structures can be formatted in your code, Code12 requires that they be formatted as above (split over multiple lines and indented as shown), which helps identify mistakes in your code.


The condition for an if-else statement is tested “on the spot” right when the if statment is encountered in your code. An if-else is not a general rule that says “whenever this is true, do this”. Instead, it says “If this is true right now, then do this right now”. After the condition is tested and the controlled statement(s) are executed (if any), execution continues with the next statement after the entire if-else structure.

Comparison Tests

Immediately after the keyword if, there should be a condition in parentheses. There are several types of conditions you can test for, including these examples which compare two numbers:

Condition  Meaning
---------  ---------------------------------
(a > b)    Greater than
(a < b)    Less than
(a >= b)   Greater than or equal to
(a <= b)   Less than or equal to
(a == b)   Equal to (note: two equal signs!)
(a != b)   Not equal to

Note that each condition results in a true or false result (either the test is true or not (false)).

Testing a boolean Variable

A variable of type boolean gives a true or false result by itself (without comparing it to anything), so you can also use a single boolean variable in a condition. For example:

boolean makeCircle = ct.inputYesNo( "Would you like to make a circle?" );

if (makeCircle) 50, 50, 20 );
ct.println( "Done" );

Note that Java requires the condition to be in parentheses, even if it is just a single variable name.

Testing Compound Conditions

The condition for an if-else can also test for two different things that must both be true for the test to succeed. This is done using &&, which means “and” in Java. For example:

double inches = ct.inputNumber( "Enter your height in inches" );
double pounds = ct.inputNumber( "Enter your weight in pounds" );

if (inches > 72 && pounds < 170)
    ct.println( "You are tall and thin" );

You can also test for two different things where only one of them needs to be true. This is done using ||, which means “or” in Java. For example:

int n = ct.inputInt( "Enter a number from 1 to 10" );

if (n < 1 || n > 10)
    ct.println( "That number is out of range" );
Boolean Expressions

In all of the examples above, the condition for the if-else has to be something that results in a true or false condition. In fact, the way Java handles this is that the condition can be any boolean expression. A boolean expression is like an expression involving numbers (see Expressions), except that the end result needs to be true or false instead of a number.

Symbols such as <, >=, ==, &&, and || are considered operands in Java, because they appear between two values and combine them to produce a resulting value. In these cases, the resulting value is of type boolean, unlike for the operands used in numeric expressions such as +, -, *, and /, which produce numeric results.

Like the numeric operators, however, the boolean operators can be built up into more complex expressions, and also grouped using parentheses. For example:

double inches = ct.inputNumber( "Enter your height in inches" );
double pounds = ct.inputNumber( "Enter your weight in pounds" );

// If the user is tall and thin, or short and fat, then we won't
// have any cloths in stock that fit them.

if ((inches > 72 && pounds < 170) || (inches < 48 && pounds > 200))
    ct.println( "Sorry, we don't have any cloths that fit you." );
Boolean Functions

An if-else condition (or part of a boolean expression) can also include using any function return value for a function call or object method call that has a boolean return value. For example:

if (ct.inputYesNo( "Would you like to play again?" ))
Nested if-else Structures

You can put whatever code you want in the if and else branches of an if-else structure, including other if-else structures. For example:

int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age < 18)
    ct.println( "You are a child." );

    if (ct.inputYesNo( "Is your parent with you?" ) )
        ct.println( "You two must sit together" );
        ct.println( "Sorry you can't go on this ride." );
        ct.println( "Try the train ride." );
    ct.println( "You are an adult." );
    ct.println( "Enjoy the ride!" );

In this case, the question "Is your parent with you?" is only asked if the first if succeeds, and then the result "You two must sit together" only happens if both if tests succeed.

Note that the indentation level of the code increases each time you enter another level of if-else, and if curly brackets are needed to group the controlled statements then they are also indented accordingly.

There is no limit to the number of levels you can “nest” if-else structures or the complexity of the tests, other than your ability as a programmer to keep all the cases straight!

Humans are notoriously weak in their ability to decode multiple levels of logic conditions, and computers are brutally literal in their execution of them (doing exactly what you said, perhaps not what you meant), often resulting in bugs. Organizing logic in a way that is not overly complex to understand is a skill that programmers build over time.

Testing Multiple Conditions with “else if”

Sometimes you may have multiple variations on a condition that need to be tested. For example, the following code identifies three different age ranges (child, adult, or senior):

int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age < 18)
    ct.println( "child" );  
if (age >= 18 && age < 65)
    ct.println( "adult" );
if (age >= 65)
    ct.println( "senior" );

The above conditions could be made simpler and more efficient by using else sections and also nested if-else structures as follows:

int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age < 18)
    ct.println( "child" );
    if (age < 65)
        ct.println( "adult" );
        ct.println( "senior" );

Note how much simpler the if conditions are. Also, the first example always tests all three if conditions regardless of the age, but the second one often skips one or more of them. Patterns such as the above are common and can be written more compactly using else if, as follows:

int age = ct.inputInt( "Enter your age" );

if (age < 18)
    ct.println( "child" );
else if (age < 65)
    ct.println( "adult" );
    ct.println( "senior" );

You can have as many else if sections as you want. When structured this way, the various if tests are executed sequentially until one of them tests true, then all the remaining ones are skipped. It is important to write the various conditions and the order of the tests in a way that produces the result you want in all cases.

Comparing Strings

It is possible to use an if condition to test the value of a String value (for example, to see if two names are the same). However, you cannot just use the == or != comparison operators like you can for numbers. To compare String values, you need to call method functions on the String object, which requires the Object Method Calls syntax described in a later section.

Java Language Help > If-else

Object Data Fields

The Graphics Object Creation functions in Code12 return a value of type GameObj, which allows you to manipulate the graphics object created. First you must capture the return value of the function in a variable of type GameObj, such as:

GameObj ball = 50, 30, 20 );

A variable of type GameObj acts like a name for a container that has several sub-variables inside of it, which all apply to that particular graphics object. These sub-variables are called data fields. Some of these data fields can be accessed directly using a dot (.) after the GameObj variable name followed by the name of the sub-variable. For example, ball.x is the x-coordinate of a GameObj variable named ball.


class MoveBall
    public void start()
        GameObj ball = 20, 15, 10 );
        ct.log( ball.x, ball.y );

        double xNew = ct.inputNumber( "Enter new x-coordinate to move the ball to" );
        ball.x = xNew;
        ct.log( ball.x, ball.y );

Note that the syntax ball.x acts like a variable. Its current value can be retrieved, or it can also be assigned (set) to a different value, which will move the ball on the screen.


The Java data types int, double, and boolean are called “primitive” data types, because they only take a single number to store (the boolean values true and false are represented by the numbers 1 and 0 internally). The GameObj type, however, is a complex data type that requires several numbers internally to store. This is an example of an “Object” data type in Java.

Each GameObj variable contains several data fields inside it. These fields store the object’s current position, size, speed, color, and more. Because you can have many GameObj objects in your program, each one has its own memory locations for each of these fields, so, for example, hero.x may be 32 while enemy.x might be 75.

GameObj Public Data Fields

Only some of the data fields inside a GameObj can be accessed directly. Java refers to these as “public data fields”. These are:

Field       Type        Use
-------     -------     -------------------------
x           double      The object's x-coordinate
y           double      The object's y-coordinate
visible     boolean     Set to false to hide the object
group       String      Optional group name

For more information, see GameObj Data Fields.

Getting and Setting Data Fields

An object data field allows you to either “get” its current value, as in:

GameObj ball = 50, 30, 20 );   // circle at (50, 30)
ct.log( ball.x );                         // 50

or you can also “set” (change) a field value, as is:

GameObj ball = 50, 50, 20 );   // start in the center
ball.x = 100;             // move to right edge of screen

In this statement:

ball.x = ball.x + 1;

As with regular variables, the code first “gets” the current value of the x field of ball then changes (“sets”) it to be 1 greater.

Animation Using update()

The optional update() code block in your program executes repeatedly, before every animation frame (60 times per second). By putting code in update(), you can make objects move smoothly on the screen by changing their x and y data fields before each animation frame. For example:

class MovingBall
    // Need a ball variable that both start() and update() can access
    GameObj ball;

    public void start()
        // Create the ball
        ball = 0, 50, 10 );  

    public void update()
        // Move the ball a little to the right each animation frame
        ball.x = ball.x + 1;

        // If the ball goes off the right edge of the screen, 
        // then restart it at the left edge
        if (ball.x > 100)
            ball.x = 0;
class MoveDiagonal
    // Need a block variable that both start() and update() can access
    GameObj block;

    public void start()
        // Create the block
        block = ct.rect( 0, 20, 10, 10 );   

    public void update()
        // Move the block slowly diagonally
        block.x += 0.5;
        block.y += 0.2;
Java Language Help > Object Data Fields

Object Method Calls

In addition to being able to access some Object Data Fields of graphics objects, Code12 has several special functions that are designed for use on graphics objects. When a Java function is designed to operate on a specific object (instead of your application as a whole), it is often provided as an “object method”, which uses a slightly different syntax than a normal function call.

See GameObj Methods for a list of the various object method functions available for a GameObj.


GameObj ball = 50, 50, 20 );
ball.setFillColor( "blue" );

The call to ball.setFillColor() above is an object method call. Unlike function calls that apply to your application as a whole (which start with ct. in Code12), object methods for graphics objects are called by specifying a variable of type GameObj (here ball) to the left of the dot (.) instead of ct. The GameObj variable refers to the particular graphics object in your program that you want to operate on.

The function creates a new circle object and also returns a value of type GameObj so that you can make a variable such as ball that will refer to the object that was created and then call object methods on it afterwards.

More Examples

GameObj top = 50, 35, 10 );
GameObj middle = 50, 50, 10 );
GameObj bottom = 50, 65, 10 );

top.setFillColor( "red" );
middle.setFillColor( "yellow" );
bottom.setFillColor( "green" );
GameObj block = ct.rect( 10, 10, 10, 10 );
block.setSize( 20, 5 );
block.setXSpeed( 0.5 );
block.setFillColorRGB( 200, 100, 50 );
block.setLineColor( "gray" );
block.setLineWidth( 3 );
GameObj text = ct.text( "This will be underlined", 50, 30, 8 );
double width = text.getWidth();
double height = text.getHeight();
double yBottom = text.y + height / 2;
GameObj underline = ct.line( text.x - width / 2, yBottom,
                             text.x + width / 2, yBottom );
underline.setLineWidth( 2 );


You can think of a GameObj as a container for several sub-variables (“data fields”), all of which apply to a specific graphics object on the screen. You can also think of a variable of type GameObj as a reference to (like a name for) the graphics object itself.

In addition to the GameObj public data fields, each GameObj also internally has data fields that are used to store the object’s size, speed, colors, and more. These fields are not accessible directly, but the GameObj method functions can be used to access or change these properties of the object. There are also some method functions that perform special actions or tests on the object.

Calling a GameObj method function applies only to the particular GameObj that the method is called on, not any other GameObj objects in your program.

Getting and Setting Properties of an Object

Some method functions modify the object that they are called on, for example:

GameObj ball = 50, 50, 20 );
ball.setFillColor( "blue" );

This is often called “setting a property” of an object.

Other method functions are designed to just return information about the object, for example:

GameObj message = ct.text( "Hello There", 50, 50, 10 );
double width = message.getWidth();

This is often called “getting a property” of an object. Method functions that “get” properties will always have a return value.

Methods vs. Functions

A call to an object method function has a variable name before the dot instead of ct. For example:

GameObj ball = 50, 50, 20 );

ct.setBackColor( "yellow" );    // normal function call
ball.setFillColor( "blue" );    // method function call

Strictly speaking, all function calls in Java are actually considered method calls in Object-Oriented terminology. The “ct” in a Code12 function call is actually a variable that is provided to you by the system that refers to your program as a whole. So a call such as ct.setBackColor() is really a call to the setBackColor() method on the ct object.

So, calling a method function on a GameObj requires that you have a variable of type GameObj in your program to refer to the object with. In the following code: 30, 50, 20 );
GameObj block = ct.rect( 70, 50, 20, 30 );

block.setYSpeed( 1 );

the circle is created and drawn on the screen, but the return value of is ignored and not assigned to a variable. This means there is no way to call a method function on it. The rectangle, however, is assigned to the variable block, which can then be used to call method functions.

Using Object Methods in Animation and Games

By using GameObj Methods in the start() and update() blocks in your program (see Main Program Functions), you can achieve a variety of interesting things including making games. For example, this program challeges you to click on a moving dot:

class ClickTheDot
    GameObj dot;

    public void start()
        // Make a small red dot and make it move to the right
        dot = 0, 50, 5 );
        dot.setXSpeed( 1 );
        ct.println( "Try to click the dot" );

    public void update()
        // Did they click on the dot?
        if (dot.clicked())
            ct.showAlert( "You got it!" );

Note that although an if-else only tests its condition and executes its controlled statement(s) when it is encountered in your program, the way the update() code block works in a Code12 program makes it easy to test conditions repeatedly. Code in your update() block is executed before each new animation frame, and animation frames happen 60 times per second, so this means that the entire sequence of statements in your update() block is repeated 60 times per second, which is very often compared to human perception. This means that the if (dot.clicked()) above may appear to be tested “continuously”. In fact, it is not tested continuously, just repeatedly and quickly.

String Methods

Variables of type String are also considered “objects” in Java (not primitive types like int, double, and boolean), and there are various method functions designed to operate on strings. For example:

String name = ct.inputString( "Enter your name" );
int numChars = name.length();
ct.println( "Your name has " + numChars + " characters in it." );

Here the method function is called length(), which counts the number of characters in a string, so it must be called on a String variable. The string variable to measure appears before the method function, separated with a dot, as name.length() above, similar to the syntax used for GameObj method functions.

See Java String Methods for the String methods supported by Code12. String methods must be called on a String, whereas GameObj methods must be called on a GameObj.

All of the Java String methods either return information about the string or create and return a new String. It is not possible to modify a String in Java. For example:

String name = ct.inputString( "Enter your name" );
String nameLower = name.toLowerCase();    // makes a new string
ct.log( name, nameLower );     // original name is not modified
String name = ct.inputString( "Enter your name" );
String sub = name.substring( 0, name.length() - 2 ); 
ct.log( name, sub );
Comparing Strings

Since strings are considered objects in Java, you cannot test to see if two strings have the same text by using the == or != operators. Instead you must use the str.equals() method function. For example:

String firstName = ct.inputString( "Enter your first name" );

if (firstName.equals( "Dave" ))
    ct.showAlert( "Hey, my name is Dave too!" );

String lastName = ct.inputString( "Enter your last name" );

if (lastName.equals( firstName ))
    ct.showAlert( "That's weird, your first and last name are the same!" );

Object References

The GameObj and String types in Java are examples of Object types, as opposed to the primitive types int, double, and boolean. Whereas a primitive type only stores a single value (e.g. a single number), an Object can be made up of many values (accessible via Object Data Fields and Object Method Calls).

In Java, a variable of type GameObj or String is technically a reference to the underlying object, not the object itself. You can think of a reference as an arrow pointing to the object that it is referring to. Just like you can draw more than one arrow pointing at the same object, you can create more than one reference to an object.

Physically, a reference to an object is the memory address where the underlying object is stored in memory, which is just a number. Two memory addresses that are equal then refer to the same object.

This distinction between an actual object (for example, a circle on the screen) and a reference to the object (for example, a GameObj variable) matters when you assign and compare object variables. When you assign an object variable to an existing object, such as:

GameObj dot = 50, 50, 20 );
GameObj ball = dot;

The assignment of ball to dot makes another reference to the same circle object. It does not make a copy of the object or create another circle. Now both variables refer to the same object, and either one can be used to access or modify it:

GameObj dot = 50, 50, 20 );   // dot starts at x = 50
GameObj ball = dot;                      // ball now also refers to dot

dot.x = 70;                 // moves the dot to x = 70
ct.println( ball.x );       // prints 70 because ball is the same as dot

In addition, a comparison such as if (ball == dot) can be used to see if two variables refer to the same object:

GameObj dot = 50, 50, 20 );
GameObj ball = dot;                      // ball now also refers to dot

ct.println( dot == ball );   // prints true because they are the same object

An example of how this is used in practice would be using the Code12 function ct.objectClicked(). This function has a return value of type GameObj, which means that it returns a reference to the object that got clicked. For example:

class Example
    GameObj ball1, ball2, ball3;

    public void start()
        // Make 3 balls
        ball1 = 30, 50, 10 );    // left
        ball2 = 50, 50, 10 );    // middle
        ball3 = 70, 50, 10 );    // right

    public void update()
        // See if the middle ball was clicked
        GameObj target = ct.objectClicked();
        if ( target == ball2 )
            ct.println( "You clicked the middle ball" );

Here the statement GameObj target = ct.objectClicked(); sets target to another reference to whichever ball got clicked (note that each circle already has a variable referencing it). It does not make a copy of that ball or a new ball. Then the test if ( target == ball2 ) can be used to see if the clicked object (target) refers to the same object as ball2, which is the middle ball.

A null Object Reference

It is also possible that none of the three balls in the example above got clicked, in which case the ct.objectClicked() function returns the special value null, which means “no object”. The value null is pre-defined by Java for this purpose. You can compare an object reference to null to see if it references an actual object:

class Example
    GameObj ball1, ball2, ball3;

    public void start()
        // Make 3 balls
        ball1 = 30, 50, 10 );    // left
        ball2 = 50, 50, 10 );    // middle
        ball3 = 70, 50, 10 );    // right

    public void update()
        // See if any object was clicked
        GameObj target = ct.objectClicked();
        if ( target != null )
            ct.println( "You clicked on an object" );

You can also assign an object variable to null if you want to indicate that the variable doesn’t reference an object yet, or no longer references an object. In this case, note that if you try to use a field or method of the null variable, then you will generate an error. For example:

class Example
    GameObj ball1, ball2, ball3;
    GameObj selectedBall = null;   // no selection initially

    public void start()
        // Make 3 balls
        ball1 = 30, 50, 10 );    // left
        ball2 = 50, 50, 10 );    // middle
        ball3 = 70, 50, 10 );    // right

        // Select the first ball
        selectedBall = ball1;

        // Print the x-coordinate of the selected ball
        ct.println( selectedBall.x );    // prints 30

        // Delete the selected ball then clear the selection
        selectedBall = null;

        // Now is there a ball selected?
        if (selectedBall == null)
            ct.println( "No ball is selected now" );

        // This would produce an error if we tried it now
        // ct.println( selectedBall.x );
Java Language Help > Object Method Calls

Function Definitions

A function definition is a block of code with a name that you can reuse without having to copy and paste the code each time. The main program blocks start() and update() in your program are actually function definitions, and these functions are called (told to execute) at the appropriate time by the Code12 system. You can also define your own functions and execute them whenever you want using the function call syntax.


class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 4 targets at random locations

    // Below is the function definition for makeRandomTarget(),
    // which creates one target at a random (x, y) location.

    void makeRandomTarget()
        int x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        int y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

The code starting with void makeRandomTarget() is a function definition for a function named “makeRandomTarget”. The code for the function definition is enclosed in curly brackets { and } and can have as many lines of code as you want.

The 4 lines in start() that say makeRandomTarget(); are calls to the function named “makeRandomTarget()”. This is just like the syntax for a function call that you already know, except in this case the definition of the function (the code that executes when the function is called) is written in your code instead of being defined by the Code12 system.


Defining your own functions is a very powerful tool, and it is the basis for how complex software programs can be written in a reasonable amount of time, and how programmers can share work and build upon each other’s work.

In the example above, note that all the code to make a target (here 5 lines of code), only appears once in the program, although it is used and executed 4 times. Each call to a function causes the program to go execute the lines of code in the function definition, then return back to where the call occured and continue with the next line after the call.

Without using a function definition, the program could have been written like this:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make a target at a random location
        int x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        int y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

        // Make another target at a random location
        x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

        // Make yet another target at a random location
        x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

        // And another
        x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

which works, but is longer and creates a maintenance program for the programmer, because any future change or fix to the target drawing code (e.g. make a target have 5 rings instead of 3) would need to be done in 4 different places. As programs become more complex, this problem would become critical and the code would become unmaintainable in practice.

Instead, here is the program again using a function definition, and the function has been updated to draw 5 rings instead of 3:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 4 targets at random locations

    // Below is the function definition for makeRandomTarget(),
    // which creates one target at a random (x, y) location.

    void makeRandomTarget()
        int x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        int y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 25, "red" ); x, y, 20, "white" ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

Note that the code in start() required no modification at all. For large programs, involving many systems and sub-systems, this technique is the only way programmers could survive the need to make constant changes, fixes, and improvements to programs, which is the nature of software and technology.

Semicolons and Indentation

A function definition has a header line, such as:

void makeRandomTarget()

and then a block of code enclosed in curly brackets, such as:

    int x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
    int y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

Note that the header line does not have a semicolon after it (but the calls to the function do).

The header line should be indented at the same level as the header lines for start() and update() in your program, and also like start() and update(), the code inside the curly brackets should be indented as shown in the examples above.

Public or not?

The header lines for start() and update() start with the keyword public, but you don’t need this keyword for your own function definitions. The public keyword is required by Java when the function being defined will be called from code that is outside the class block containing the function.

If a function definition and all calls to the function are enclosed inside the same class block, then you don’t need to use public. In the full example above, the definition of makeRandomTarget() and all 4 calls to it are all enclosed within class Example.

In the case of start() and update(), the function definitions are inside class Example, but the calls to these functions are technically inside the Code12 system (where you can’t see them), in a separate class that you didn’t write.

The complete rules concerning public are more complicated than this, and Java also has other keywords such as private and protected, but these are not used by Code12.

Void and Functions that Return a Value

The keyword void in a function definition header is required for a function that does not have a return value. You can define your own functions that return values, however, similar to some of the Code12 functions that have Function Return Values (for example, ct.inputNumber()).

Here is an example program that defines a function named randomCoord() that computes a random coordinate value between 0 and 100 and then returns this value from the function. The code in start() then uses this function 4 times.

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 4 circles at random x locations randomCoord(), 50, 10 ); randomCoord(), 50, 10 ); randomCoord(), 50, 10 ); randomCoord(), 50, 10 );

    double randomCoord()
        double r = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        return r;

The job of randomCoord() here is to compute a value internally, and then return this value from the function so that the calling code can use it. This requires two new bits of syntax. First, instead of void in the function header, you put the type of the return value (see Java Data Types), here double. Second, at the end of the function you specify the value to return after the return keyword. In this case, whatever value is in the variable r when the return is encountered will become the return value of the function that the calling code can use.

Functions Calling Other Functions

Note that in a function definition such as:

void makeRandomTarget()
    int x = ct.random( 0, 100 );
    int y = ct.random( 0, 100 ); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

The code in the function body itself contains calls to other functions (here ct.random() and In addition to calling Code12 functions in a function body, you also call other functions that you have defined yourself!

Consider this example that combines two of the earlier examples above:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 4 targets at random locations

    void makeRandomTarget()
        double x = randomCoord();
        double y = randomCoord(); x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

    double randomCoord()
        double r = ct.random( 0, 100 );
        return r;

Can you follow the flow and order of the statements here? How many times does the line of code:

double r = ct.random( 0, 100 );

in function randomCoord() end up being executed? (Answer: 8).

Once you understand and start to master this technique, you will come to understand how very complex programs can be written.

Java Language Help > Function Definitions

Function Parameters

Just like many function calls to Code12 functions require parameters to specify input values for the function, you can define your own functions that take parameters. This provides an easy way for the calling code to supply additional information needed by the function.


Here is a more useful version of the first example sample shown in Function Definitions:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 4 targets at specified locations
        makeTarget( 30, 30 );
        makeTarget( 30, 70 );
        makeTarget( 70, 30 );
        makeTarget( 70, 70 );

    // The function makeTarget() makes a target at the (x, y)
    // location specified by its parameters.

    void makeTarget(double x, double y)
    { x, y, 15, "red" ); x, y, 10, "white" ); x, y, 5, "red" );

This is an example of defining a function that takes parameters and also returns a value:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Compute and print 4 averages
        ct.println( average( 10, 20 ) );
        ct.println( average( 3, 4 ) );
        ct.println( average( -5, 5 ) );
        ct.println( average( 1.432, 5.902 ) );

    double average(double a, double b)
        double ave = (a + b) / 2;
        return ave;


When you define a function that requires one or more parameters, you need to declare (specify) the parameter(s) in the function definition header, such as:

void makeTarget(double x, double y)

Here the first parameter is declared as double x, which means that the value passed by the caller must be of type double (or int, which can automatically convert to double), and that the code in the function body will refer to this value as the variable x.

The parameter variables that are declared in a function header (x and y above) act like local variables (see Variables), because they are only defined within the body of the function being defined. A parameter variable comes into existance at the beginning of the function body, where it is initialized to the value passed in the function call, and ends at the end of the function body. Because a parameter variable is local, it doesn’t matter if it shares the same name as a parameter in another function definition. If two function definitions both have a parameter named x, these are different variables and will not interfere with each other.

To help avoid mistakes, Code12 will not allow you to declare a parameter with the same name as a class-level (non-local) variable, although Java normally allows this.

More Examples

When you define a function, it is up to you to design how you want it to be called, including what parameters it will take and whether it has a return value. Consider this example:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 3 coins
        makeCoin( 20, 30, "orange" );
        makeCoin( 40, 30, "light gray" );
        makeCoin( 60, 30, "orange" );

        // Make one more coin and make it drop
        GameObj dime = makeCoin( 80, 30, "light gray" );
        dime.setYSpeed( 0.5 );

    // Make and return a round coin at (x, y) with the given color.
    GameObj makeCoin( double x, double y, String color )
        GameObj coin = x, y, 10, color );
        coin.setLineColor( "gray" );
        coin.setLineWidth( 2 );
        return coin;

The program above defines a “helper function” to make creating coins easier, because all coins need a certain line color and line width (so these are set in the helper function makeCoin()), but the (x, y) position and color varies, so these are passed as parameters. In addition, function makeCoin() returns the GameObj for the coin that was created so that the caller can capture this object and make further changes to it if desired (to make the last coin drop).

The function header:

GameObj makeCoin( double x, double y, String color )

can be read as “function makeCoin() takes 3 parameters: two values of type double then a value of type String. The function returns a GameObj. Furthermore, when reading the code that makes up the body of makeCoin(), there are variables that store the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd parameter values passed named x, y, and color, respectively.

Functions Calling Other Functions

Remember that functions that you can define can also call other functions that you define (or functions defined by Code12), which allows you to create layers of capability. This powerful technique allows programmers to manage the complexity of large programs. For example, consider this rewrite of the example above:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Make 3 coins
        makePenny( 20, 30 );
        makeDime( 40, 30 );
        makePenny( 60, 30 );

        // Make one more dime and make it drop
        GameObj dime = makeDime( 80, 30 );
        dime.setYSpeed( 0.5 );

    // Make a penny at the given location and return its GameObj
    GameObj makePenny( double x, double y )
        return makeCoin( x, y, "orange" );

    // Make a dime at the given location and return its GameObj
    GameObj makeDime( double x, double y )
        return makeCoin( x, y, "light gray" );

    // Make and return a round coin at (x, y) with the given color.
    GameObj makeCoin( double x, double y, String color )
        GameObj coin = x, y, 10, color );
        coin.setLineColor( "gray" );
        coin.setLineWidth( 2 );
        return coin;

The code in start() is now even simpler and easier to understand, and it would be even easier to extend to create more coins as desired.

Here are some things to notice about the code above:

The order of statements starts out as follows:

  1. start() calls makePenny()
  2. makePenny() then calls makeCoin()
  3. makeCoin() then calls
  4. The function definition is inside Code12 (where you can’t see it). When it finishes, execution continues inside makeCoin().
  5. When makeCoin() finishes, control returns to makePenny(), returning the same GameObj that got created, which then returns to start() again returning the same GameObj.
  6. This puts the program back in start(), now at the first call to makeDime(), which starts a similar sequence.

The x and y parameters declared in makePenny(), makeDime(), and makeCoin() are all different variables and do not interfere with each other.

A return statement can return a variable value, an expression value, or the result of another function call directly, so when makePenny() does:

return makeCoin( x, y, "orange" );

this calls makeCoin() and then takes the return value of the call (here a GameObj) and passes it on as the return value from makePenny().

Java Language Help > Function Parameters


A loop allows your program to repeat a section of code multiple times, until some ending condition is met. For example, you could use a loop to draw 20 circles on the screen without having to copy and paste the call to and related code 20 times.


The Java language has three different kinds of loops to choose from: the while loop, the do-while loop, and the for loop. Here is an example of each, all doing the same task:

// Draw 20 circles across the screen using a while loop
double x = 2.5;
while (x < 100)
{ x, 50, 4 );
    x += 5;
// Draw 20 circles across the screen using a do-while loop
double x = 2.5;
{ x, 50, 4 );
    x += 5;
while (x < 100);
// Draw 20 circles across the screen using a for loop
for (double x = 2.5; x < 100; x += 5)
{ x, 50, 4 );

The “while” Loop

The syntax of a while loop is very similar to the syntax of an if statement (see if-else):

if (test)
    // Code to do if test is true
while (test)
    // Code to repeat as long as test is true

For example:

double x = 2.5;

// If x is on the screen, then draw a circle there and increase x by 5
if (x < 100)
{ x, 50, 4 );
    x += 5; 
double x = 2.5;

// As long as x is still on the screen, draw a circle there, 
// increase x by 5, and repeat
while (x < 100)
{ x, 50, 4 );
    x += 5; 

A while loop starts by evaluating the test condition in the parentheses. Just like if-else, this condition can be any expression that results in a boolean (true or false) value, such as:

If the test result is false then the body of the loop (the code in curly brackets) is skipped, and execution continues after the loop (the loop body does not execute at all). If the test result is true, the loop body executes then execution goes back up to the line with the test and repeats the entire process. The test is evaluated again to see if it is still true (typically variable values or something will have changed since the first test so the result may be different). If the test is still true, the body is executed again, and execution goes back to the test again. The entire loop process stops once the test result becomes false.

Note: If the test remains true and never changes, then the loop will execute forever, resulting in an “infinite loop”, which never finishes.

More “while” Loop Examples
// Count from 1 to 10
int i = 1;
while (i <= 10)
    ct.println( i );
// A loop with user input
boolean keepGoing = true;
ct.println( "Lets get started" );
while (keepGoing)
    ct.println( "This is text output" );
    keepGoing = ct.inputYesNo( "Do you want to keep going?" );
ct.println( "We're done" );
// Print powers of 2 less than 1 million
int i = 1;
while (i < 1000000)
    ct.println( i );
    i *= 2;

The “do-while” Loop

A do-while loop works just like a while loop, except that the test is after the loop body instead of before it:

while (test)
    // Loop body code
    // Loop body code
while (test);

Note: The test line at the end of a do-while loop must end with a semicolon, whereas the test line at the beginning of a while loop must not have a semicolon.

Since the loop body of a do-while is first, it always executes at least once, then the test is evaluated to determine if (and how long) the loop repeats. Sometimes this can simplify the code required to get the behavior you want compared to using a while loop. For example, consider one of the while examples above rewritten to use a do-while:

// A while loop with user input
boolean keepGoing = true;
ct.println( "Lets get started" );
while (keepGoing)
    ct.println( "This is text output" );
    keepGoing = ct.inputYesNo( "Do you want to keep going?" );
ct.println( "We're done" );
// A do-while loop with user input
ct.println( "Lets get started" );
    ct.println( "This is text output" );
while( ct.inputYesNo( "Do you want to keep going?" ) );
ct.println( "We're done" );

However, if the correct behavior you want means that sometimes the loop body should be executed 0 times (be skipped completely), then you must use a while loop instead of a do-while loop.

The “for” loop

The for loop structure is a convenient shorthand for a common pattern that often occurs in loops in practice. Compared to using a while loop, using a for loop results in fewer lines of code when writing loops that follow these patterns. For example:

// Count from 1 to 10
int i = 1;
while (i <= 10)
    ct.println( i );
// Count from 1 to 10
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    ct.println( i );

The pattern for the while loop here is:

  1. Set the starting value
  2. While the value is still valid:
    1. Use the value
    2. Get the next value

The header line of a for loop packs steps 1, 2, and 4 all into one line, resulting in fewer lines of code. Otherwise, a for loop behaves the same as the corresponding while loop.

Written briefly with placeholders, the corresponding pattern for the while and for loops is:

while (test)
for (initialize; test; advance)

Note that although the “advance” statement occurs before the loop body in a for loop, it is not executed until after the loop body, in the same order as the corresponding while loop pattern.

The header of a for loop is complex and takes some practice to write correctly, but once you get used to it, experienced programmers can find it easier to understand the behavior of the loop because it makes the pattern easier to see. In the example above, you can think of the loop header as saying

“for values of i starting at 1, going up to and including 10, increasing by 1 each time, do the following:”

More “for” Loop Examples
// Count to 100 by 10s
for (int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10)
    ct.println( i );
// Count backwards from 99 by 3s
for (int i = 99; i > 0; i -= 3)
    ct.println( i );
// Draw 20 circles at random positions
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
{ ct.random( 10, 90 ), ct.random( 10, 90 ), 10 );

The “break” Statement

Inside the body of a while, do-while, or for loop, you can end the loop early with the break statement. For example:

// Draw up to 20 labelled circles at random positions, but stop if one 
// would have been near the bottom of the screen.
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
    int x = ct.random( 10, 90 );
    int y = ct.random( 10, 90 );
    if (y > 85)
        break; x, y, 10 );
    ct.text( ct.formatInt( i ), x, y, 8 );

As soon as a break statement is encountered (they are typically controlled by an if as above), the loop body is exited (no more statements in the loop body are executed), and the entire loop ends (regardless of the current test result). A break statement can only occur inside of a loop.

More Loop Syntax

Like the if-else structure, if the body of a while, do-while, or for loop is just a single statement, then you can omit the curly brackets if you want. For example:

// Count to 100 by 10s
for (int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10)
    ct.println( i );

The three parts of a for loop header (initialize, test, and advance) are all optional and can be left out if desired (but the two semicolons must be left in place). Leaving out the initalize or advance statements just means that no statement happens at that stage of the loop. Leaving out the test means that the test defaults to true, and the loop must be ended internally with a break statement. Examples:

// Count backwards from user-entered starting value by 3s
int i = ct.inputInt( "Enter starting value" );
for (; i > 0; i -= 3)
    ct.println( i );
// Draw labelled circles at random positions until one 
// would have been near the bottom of the screen.
for (int i = 1; ; i++)
    int x = ct.random( 10, 90 );
    int y = ct.random( 10, 90 );
    if (y > 85)
        break; x, y, 10 );
    ct.text( ct.formatInt( i ), x, y, 8 );
// Draw circles as long as the user wants to keep going
for (;;)
{ ct.random( 10, 90 ), ct.random( 10, 90 ), 10 );
    if (!ct.inputYesNo( "Do you want to keep making circles?" ))

Finally, note that the initialize and advance statements in a for loop can be any single valid Java statement (not necessarily a variable initialization and variable increment/assignment), including function calls.

Loops and Code12 Animation Frames

Because loops allow you to repeat behavior, you might think that you could use a loop to create animation effects (by repeatedly moving an object by a little bit) or to control repeating behavior in a game. However, due to way the start(), update(), and Input Event Functions in Code12 work, this strategy will not work. Although animation frames occur 60 times per second, each function body in your program will always execute to completion before the next animation frame is drawn (even if the 1/60th of a second interval is passed). This means that any loop in your code will always execute to completion before the screen is redrawn. So if you include a loop in your code, only the final results at the end of the loop will be displayed.

Animation and repeating behaviors in a game should be handled by considering the automatic repeating nature of the update() function. In effect, there is a loop inside of the Code12 system that is repeatedly preparing and drawing new animation frames. The contents of your update() function are essentially inside the body of this loop. So, your update() function should typically do what is necessary for one animation frame of your game, letting itself get called repeatedly by the Code12 system.

Java Language Help > Loops


An array is a way to store an entire list or sequence of values in a single variable. You can then access one entry in the sequence by using an integer index in square brackets after the array name. The first entry is at index 0, the second is at index 1, etc.


// Declare and initialize an array of double values named sizes
double[] sizes = { 2, 5, 1, 3.5, 1 };

// Use the 4th size (index 3) to make a circle 50, 50, sizes[3] );    // diameter will be 3.5


The syntax double[] is the type for the variable sizes above and can be read as “double array”, meaning an array of double values. You can make an array of any of the Java Data Types. Note that all entries in the array must be the same type. For example:

int[] counts = { 2, 0, 1, 6 };
double[] sizes = { 2, 5, 1, 3.5, 1 };
boolean[] hits = { true, false, false, true };
String[] names = { "Doug", "Sue", "Pat" };
GameObj[] walls = { leftWall, topWall, bottomWall };

In the GameObj[] walls example above, assume that the variables leftWall, topWall, and bottomWall are existing GameObj variables that were already created (using ct.rect(), for example).

Getting and Setting Array Values

You can access the entries of an array (often called the elements of the array) using an integer index. Like a regular variable, you can get the value at a particular index, and you can also set (change) the value at an index by using an assignment statement. For example:

String[] names = { "Doug", "Sue", "Pat" };

ct.println( names[0] );      // Doug
ct.println( names[1] );      // Sue
ct.println( names[2] );      // Pat

// Change the second name (index 1) 
names[1] = "Abby";

ct.println( names[0] );      // Doug
ct.println( names[1] );      // Abby
ct.println( names[2] );      // Pat
Using an Index Expression

What really makes arrays a powerful tool is that you can use an int variable, or any expression of type int, as an index to choose which element to access, not just a number directly. For example:

double[] sizes = { 2, 5, 1, 3.5, 1 };

int i = 1;
ct.println( sizes[i] );    // 5
String[] months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

int month = ct.inputInt( "Enter month number" );

// The correct months index is one less than the month number. 
// For example, "Jan" is month number 1 and index 0.

ct.println( months[month - 1] );
Invalid Array Indexes

In an array of 3 items, such as:

String[] names = { "Doug", "Sue", "Pat" };

the valid index values are 0, 1, and 2. Attempting to access an item at an invalid index (e.g. past the end of the array) will produce an error. For example:

String[] names = { "Doug", "Sue", "Pat" };

ct.println( names[3] );   // This causes an error

Note that unlike most error messages that you get for problems with your code, an invalid array index causes an error at “runtime” (after your program has already started running).

Using Loops with Arrays

Arrays are especially powerful when used in conjunction with Loops. A loop can be used to repeat some code for every element in the array by modifying an index variable and using it inside the loop body. For example:

String[] months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

// Print all the months
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
    ct.println( months[i] );

If you want to read and process all the elements of an array in order (such as in the example above), Java also offers a special shortcut syntax for this called the “Enhanced For Loop”:

String[] months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
                    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

// Print all the months
for (String month: months )
    ct.println( month );

In the Enhanced For Loop, instead of using an integer index, the loop variable is the same type as the elements in the array, and it will be assigned in turn to each element in the array, in order.

Creating an Empty Array

An array variable initialization such as:

String[] names = { "Doug", "Sue", "Pat" };

declares the array variable names and also initializes the array to contain the values given in the curly brackets.

You can also declare and create an array that leaves the individual array elements “blank” but has room for them to be assigned (set) later:

String[] names = new String[3];      // blank array with room for 3 Strings

names[0] = "Doug";
names[1] = "Sue";
names[2] = "Pat";

Carefully note the syntax new String[3]. After new goes the type for the elements in the array (this must be declared up front), then the size of the array in square brackets (here 3).

Creating an array in this way is useful when you need code to calculate or create the array elements. For example:

// Create a blank array of 10 int values to store sizes
int[] sizes = new int[10];

// Set all the sizes to random values
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    sizes[i] = ct.random( 0, 5 );

// Print all the sizes
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    ct.println( sizes[i] );

Note that when you create a “blank” array, the elements of the array are actually all initialized right away to an initial default value depending on their type as follows:

Type      Default Value
----      -------------
int       0
double    0.0
boolean   false
String    null
GameObj   null
An Array of GameObj Objects

Especially useful in games is the ability to create an array of GameObj objects. In conjunction with Loops, You can create many objects on the screen and keep track of and manipulate all of them. For example:

class Example
    // An array that can hold 10 GameObj objects
    GameObj[] balls = new GameObj[10];

    public void start()
        // Create the balls at random locations
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            balls[i] = ct.random( 10, 90 ), ct.random( 10, 90 ), 10 );

    public void update()
        // Move all the balls and recycle them when they go off-screen
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            balls[i].x += 0.5;
            if (balls[i].x > 110)
                balls[i].x = -10;
Passing an Array as a Parameter and Getting the Array Length

You can write a function that takes an array as a parameter and then pass an array to it. For example:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Two different arrays of int
        int[] counts = { 32, 12, 75, 42 };
        int[] scores = { 85, 100, 65, 72, 67, 98, 0, 12 };

        // Call function to get the total of each array and print it.
        ct.println( "Total of counts is " + arrayTotal( counts ) );
        ct.println( "Total of scores is " + arrayTotal( scores ) );

    // Calculate and return the sum of all the elements in the array a.
    int arrayTotal( int[] a )
        int total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            total += a[i];
        return total;

Note that the array parameter variable is declared above as int[] a, so the array passed must be an array of int, however the number of elements in the array is not specified. You could pass an array of int with any number of elements in it.

A function may need to determine the number of elements in an array parameter to do its work, as shown in the example above. You can get the number of elements in any array by using the syntax a.length, where a is the array variable. This will result in an integer value that is the number of elements in the array.

When passing an array as a parameter, it is important to understand that only a reference to the array is passed (essentially a pointer to the actual array where it lives in memory). Passing an array does not make a copy of the array. So, if the function modifies the elements of the array, the original array that was passed will be modified.

Java Language Help > Arrays

Java Data Types

Code12 supports the standard Java data types int, double, boolean, and String, plus the GameObj type defined by Code12.


A number with an integer value. Examples: 3, 125, 0, -1, 43500, -1203.


A number which can include optional decimal places. Examples: 3.14, 5.0, -67.456, 0.0, 154.003, -0.0001


A logical (truth) value that can only be true or false.


A sequence of text characters. When the value of a string is given directly, it must be enclosed in double quotes. Examples: "hello", "What is your name?", "3", "food4u*$-!)"


A GameObj (Game Object) is a reference to a graphical object (circle, rectangle, line, text, or image) that you can create for display on the screen. To create a GameObj, see Graphics Object Creation. If you store a GameObj in a variable then you can also access and change the object later using the GameObj Data Fields and GameObj Methods.

Java Language Help > Java Data Types

Java Operators

Code12 supports the following Java operators in expressions. These are listed in groups from highest precedence to lowest precedence (see Order of Operations and Parentheses). Within each group, operators execute from left to right.

Unary Operators (operate on only one value)
-a        // (Negate) a is numeric, result is numeric
!a        // (NOT) a is boolean, result is boolean
Multiplication and Division
a * b     // (Multiply) a and b are numeric, result is numeric
a / b     // (Divide) a and b are numeric, result is numeric
a % b     // (Mod) a and b are numeric, result is numeric
Addition and Subtraction
a + b     // (Add) a and b are numeric, result is numeric
a - b     // (Subtract) a and b are numeric, result is numeric
a + b     // (Concatenation) either a or b is String, result is String
Inequality Comparison
a < b     // (Less than) a and b are numeric, result is boolean
a <= b    // (Less than or equal to) a and b are numeric, result is boolean
a > b     // (Greater than) a and b are numeric, result is boolean
a >= b    // (Greater than or equal to) a and b are numeric, result is boolean
Equality Comparison
a == b    // (Equal to) a and b are compatible types, result is boolean
a != b    // (Not equal to) a and b are compatible types, result is boolean
Logical AND
a && b    // (AND) a and b are boolean, result is boolean
Logical OR
a || b    // (OR) a and b are boolean, result is boolean
Java Language Help > Java Operators

Main Program Structure

A Code12 Java program running in the Code12 Application consists of a single user-defined class corresponding to the main program. Declaring or importing additional classes is not supported.

Use the Code12 Java Package when you are ready to start using additional classes.

In addition, your program does not need the standard Java main() function. Instead, your program will define a start() function where the program begins. For example:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Your program starts here 50, 30, 20 );

Your program can also contain an optional update() function and optional Input Event Functions.

Java Language Help > Main Program Structure

Unsupported Java Language Features

The Code12 Application supports a subset of the full Java language, in order to avoid the typical syntax ambiguities that make traditional Java error messages frequently confusing to beginners, and to keep the focus on the 12 fundamental programming concepts.

You can use the Code12 Java Package with the Java development environment of your choice if you want to use the Code12 API with the full Java language.

No Class Definitions

The main restriction is that class definitions other than the main program class are not supported, and importing classes is not allowed. This means that other than the main program class, the only classes that a Code12 program will use are:

  1. The main ct class/instance defined by the Code12 API
  2. The GameObj class defined by the Code12 API (a graphical object)
  3. The standard Java String class (a subset of methods is supported)
  4. The Java Math class (a subset of methods is supported)
Other Unsupported Java Features

In addition to restricting a program to a single user-defined class, the following Java features are not supported by the Code12 Application:

  1. Importing classes and packages, including the Java Class Library
  2. Class inheritance, interfaces, etc.
  3. Using new to create object instances (except arrays)
  4. The byte, char, float, long and short data types
  5. Enumeration (enum) types
  6. Exception handling (try, catch, throw, etc.)
  7. The switch statement (switch, case, default)
  8. The continue statement
  9. Bit operators (<<, >>, >>>, &, |, ^)
  10. The ternary operator (? :)
  11. Multi-dimentional arrays or arrays of arrays
Restricted Java Features

To further help prevent common errors and sources of confusion, Code12 also intentionally restricts the use of some language features:

  1. The assignment and increment operators (=, +=, ++, etc.) do not result in values. Assignments are statements, not expressions.
  2. Integer division that may produce (and lose) a remainder is not allowed directly. A function ct.intDiv() is provided if desired.
  3. Local variables and parameters cannot hide (be named the same as) a class-level variable.
  4. Variable names are not allowed to differ only by case from existing names.
  5. Functions calls returning objects cannot be be used to access fields or methods of the object directly. An object variable must be used.

Unsupported Java Keywords

The following Java keywords are not supported by the Code12 Application:

Data Types     Classes        Flow Control    Other
----------     -------        ------------    -----
byte           abstract       assert          native
char           extends        case            strictfp
enum           implements     catch           synchronized
float          import         continue        transient
long           instanceof     default         volatile
short          interface      finally
               package        switch
               protected      throw
               static         try

In addition, the following Java keywords have reduced or limited support:

class       (only for the main program class)
new         (only for arrays)
private     (ignored when allowed)
public      (ignored when allowed)
Java Language Help > Unsupported Java Language Features

Indentation and Brace Placement

The Java language is normally defined to treat line breaks the same as spaces, and to ignore indentation. However, to help you find common errors in your program, the Code12 Application detects and enforces consistent use of indentation and a “style” of placing braces (curly brackets) as follows:

class Example
    // Class-level variables and function bodies are indented inside
    // the class, all starting at the same level.

    int size = 20;

    public void start()
        // Code inside function bodies is indented more 50, 30, size );
        if (size < 10)
            size = 10;    // controlled statements are indented further
            // Braces to enclose a block are always on their own lines,
            // the enclosed statements are indented further, and 
            // the close brace lines up with the matching open brace.

   50, 30, size );
            size -= 10;
   50, 30, size );

For more information on the brace placement for specific structures, see:

Line Breaks

In addition to the rules for indentation, the Code12 Application requires each statement to be on its own line and restricts how and where statements can be broken with a line break:

class Example
    public void start()
        // Each statement must be on its own line

        double a = 50;
        double b = 20;
        double y = 30;

        // Long statements can be broken after a comma,
        // and the continuation line(s) must be indented. (a + (b * 2) / 3) + ct.random( 0, 10 ),
                y + ct.random( 2, 8 ), 20 );

        // Any line can also be broken after the special comment ///
        if ((a < 10 && b > 30 && y < a + b)      ///
            || (a > 50 && b < 10 && y > a - b))
            a = 0;
            b += 10;

These restrictions help Code12 provide accurate placement and wording of error messages that correspond to the actual mistakes made by the programmer.

Java Language Help > Indentation and Brace Placement